KIDS EAT CRAYONS - 01 Flouter.mp3


A jazz band at Obscene Extreme? Are you fucking kidding??? Listen up: this is not your mama's jazz. This is a seven piece death-jazz freakout. Jazz with the bombast of thrash; punk attitude, and grindcore absurdity; lyrics about dog dicks and dead children; music meticulously composed and arranged using everything from roaring guitars to screaming saxophones to blastbeats to swing... Montreal's own KIDS EAT CRAYONS. In 2007 they released their debut album, "Kids Eat Crayons is for Lovers," which quickly earned them a cult following. All of their music has been independently released, and has still been sold all over the world, from Norway Indonesia. The latest album, 2014's "Dogs at Play Among the Ruins," has gotten attention from metal bloggers, jazz critics, and mainstream media alike. "Anyone sick of pretentious indie-isms would revel in the Frank Zappa-meets-John-Zorn approach of the Kids." - Montreal Gazette "L'exécution virtuose et l'originalité du concept mènent à croire que KEC pourrait fort bien jouir d'une réputation internationale." - La Presse "Fans of Mr. Bungle’s California will appreciate the jackknifing into metal mayhem, but the Kids stand on their own with their sound." - Montreal Mirror "Avec sa musique absolument inclassable, Kids Eat Crayons se situe à la frontière du rock d’avant-garde, du jazz expérimental, du thrash métal et même de la power pop. [...] un mélange des genres parfois déroutant mais néanmoins intrigant." - camuz.ca "This album kicked my balls [...] 'Dogs at Play Among the Ruins' is one of the greatest albums I've heard in my life." - www.theblood-shed.com


Release date Release name Media
2014 Dogs at Play Among the Ruins CD, DOWNLOAD
2013 Kids Know Dick DEMO, DOWNLOAD
2007 Kids Eat Crayons is for Lovers CD, DOWNLOAD